Credit Report Effects

Bankruptcy stays on your credit report for 7-10 years after filing your case. Bankruptcy may make it difficult for a borrower to obtain a mortgage or vehicle loan. A borrower may obtain credit but with less favorable terms.

Credit reports are used by lenders to determine whether to lend money to a borrower and under what terms. Lenders may also consider a borrower’s debt to income ratio, length of credit history, payment history, and number of credit applications.

Call The Law Office of Brent M. Myer in Stuart for more information on credit report effects and bankruptcy information. We’re here to help.

You can obtain a credit report by contacting these Credit Reporting Agencies directly:

Federal law entitles you to one free credit report from each agency each year. Also, if you are denied credit for any reason, you also have a right to review a free copy of your credit report.

For more information on the effects of bankruptcy, see our FAQs section.

Bankruptcy law can be a complicated matter.
Let us help you figure it out!

Call our office today at (727) 487-9030
for your free consultation.​

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